Happy Monday! I wanted to share a really exciting project that I’ve recently launched with a couple of my besties (Jenelle of Nelle Creations & Sandra of Mom’s Makeup Stash) that I’m hoping you’ll be excited to hear about!
The three of us have come together to create The FAB Angels, where we’ll be hosting a monthly FAB (Fashion and Beauty) chat to get more involved with all of you, talk pretty things… And give you the chance to win some amazing prizes! We’ll also be sharing other great FAB inspiration throughout the time in between 🙂
The first #theFABchat will be taking place this coming Wednesday (December 16th, 2015) at 7 PM est, and will be all about getting you ready for the holidays! To join in, follow @theFABangels, @linerglttrgloss, @nellecreations & @makeupjunkie19 and jump in the chat Wednesday night using the hashtag #theFABchat. The best part? For joining in, you’ll have a chance to win a holiday beauty prize pack worth over $500! Oh, and if you have any holiday fashion and beauty questions, let me know in the comments below – we’ll be answering a few during the chat!
Hope to chat with you then!