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Easy Tips for Better Blog Photos

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Today I’m going to be sharing a few easy tips for better blog photos. These are quick ideas that you can put into action fairly quickly to take your blog and Instagram photography to the next level! Watch the video below and read on for more details.

Tips for better blog photos:

  1. Perfect your flatlays!
    • This means playing around with different props. I love the dollar store for finding different items to fit in with a photo’s theme or to give it a quick little boost. I find that they’re treasure troves of fun little items that you can use to accessorize or add a little character – think things like fake flowers, gems and home decor.
    • Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box! Play around with the layout of the products you’re focusing on. There’s not set way or formula to lay out your shot, so have fun with it and find something that works with your aesthetic.
    • Floor tiles make great backgrounds for photos and can add nice texture to the background of a shot. Habitat for Humanity ReStore locations, other reuse centers and hardware stores carry tons of different options and are usually pretty inexpensive. Other items like scrapbook paper, coloured construction paper and cutting/serving blocks are great for this as well. Try playing around with a couple different options at the same time to create a unique look!
  2. Play around with lighting!
    • Natural light is the best lighting your going to get. Try shooting in the morning when the light is pure if you live somewhere with access to lots of it!
    • If you don’t have a ton of natural light, like myself, you can purchase decently priced lighting sets online to make things easier for you. I use umbrella lights for my product photography and a ring light for face shots – they brighten your skin and give it a nice glow.
  3. Edit your photos before they go live!
    • Photoshop is  fantastic resource and one of the most in depth ways to edit your photos. Play around with your shots to make them as perfect as possible before you share them. If you’re new to Photoshop, there are tons of tutorials available online to help you learn how to properly edit your photos.
    • If you’re on a budget, there are many free alternatives to Photoshop that will give you great results. Try programs like Picasa, PicMonkey and GIMP to clean up your photos.
    • Shooting from your phone? There are many great photo editing apps available that allow you to edit directly from your phone. I’m a big fan of Snapseed, Afterlight and Color Story for my mobile editing.

How do you make your blog photos even better?


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