A double-pass to the Toronto advance screening of PAIN AND GAIN on Wednesday April 24th at 7pm at Cineplex Yonge & Dundas!
From acclaimed director Michael Bay comes “Pain and Gain,” a new action comedy starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie. Based on the unbelievable true story of a group of personal trainers in 1990s Miami who, in pursuit of the American Dream, get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes horribly wrong.
Email torontomoviecontests@gmail.com with your name and answer to the following question:
What is your number one gym bag beauty essential? (You can take a look at some of mine here)
and tweet “I want to go to the @PainGainMovie advance screening with @linerglttrgloss! Enter to win: http://dashofdee.com/?p=2191”
*Contest ends on April 22nd at 11:59pm. Winners will be contacted via email.
PAIN AND GAIN releases in theatres on March 26th.
For more information check out the official website.